What Cat Tower Should I Get?

What Cat Tower Should I Get? - Catsvillas

In the realm of feline paraphernalia, few items rival the versatility and appeal of the cat tower. These multi-tiered structures, also known as cat trees or condos, serve as more than just elaborate pieces of furniture; they are vertical sanctuaries that cater to a cat's natural instincts for climbing, scratching, and surveying their kingdom from above. However, the question looms: "What cat tower should I get?" In this detailed guide, we will unravel the complexities of choosing the ideal cat tower, exploring factors ranging from design and functionality to size and material, all aimed at ensuring a harmonious cohabitation between your feline friend and their newfound haven.

Understanding the Needs of Your Cat:

  1. Activity Level and Age: Cats, like humans, undergo changes in lifestyle and energy levels as they age. Kittens may seek out more adventurous features, such as dangling toys and numerous platforms for climbing, while older cats may prefer cozy hideaways and low-maintenance lounging spaces. Consider your cat's current activity level and age when contemplating the ideal cat tower.

  2. Behavioral Preferences: Cats are individuals with distinct personalities and preferences. Some relish high perches with a panoramic view, while others may be more inclined to cozy, enclosed spaces for solitude. Observe your cat's behavior—do they enjoy scratching, climbing, or stretching out for extended naps? Tailor your choice of cat tower to align with these inherent feline proclivities.

Key Features to Consider:

  1. Stability and Durability: A robust and stable foundation is paramount when selecting a cat tower. Ensure that the structure can withstand the antics of a playful cat without wobbling or toppling. Look for sturdy materials and a well-engineered design to guarantee the durability of the cat tower.

  2. Scratching Surfaces: Addressing your cat's instinctual need to scratch is essential. Opt for a cat tower that incorporates dedicated scratching posts or surfaces, typically wrapped in sisal. This not only provides an appropriate outlet for scratching but also helps in maintaining your cat's claws and saving your furniture from their sharp inclinations.

  3. Variety of Platforms and Hideaways: Cats appreciate diversity in their surroundings. Choose a cat tower that offers a range of platforms, perches, and hideaways. This allows your cat to select the spot that suits their mood—be it a high vantage point for observation or a cozy nook for a private retreat.

  4. Comfortable Resting Spaces: Cats are renowned for their love of napping. Look for cat towers that feature plush cushions, beds, or hammocks. These comfortable resting spots become essential components of the cat tower, providing a sanctuary for your cat to relax and recharge.

  5. Interactive Elements: Keep your cat mentally stimulated with a cat tower that includes interactive elements. Hanging toys, dangling ropes, or feathered attachments can engage your cat's natural hunting instincts, providing both entertainment and exercise within the confines of their vertical kingdom.

Considering Size and Space:

  1. Available Living Space: Assess the dimensions of the area where you intend to place the cat tower. Ensure that the chosen cat tower fits comfortably within the space without overcrowding or obstructing pathways. Consider vertical height as well, as cats are naturally drawn to elevated spaces.

  2. Window Placement: If your cat enjoys basking in the sunlight or observing the outside world, strategically placing the cat tower near a window can enhance their experience. This not only provides entertainment but also allows your cat to indulge in their favorite pastime of bird watching or sunbathing.

Budgetary Considerations:

  1. Investment in Quality: While budget constraints may influence your decision, consider a cat tower as a long-term investment in your cat's well-being. Opting for a higher-quality structure with durable materials ensures the longevity and safety of the cat tower, potentially saving you money on replacements in the future.

  2. Balancing Features and Cost: Strike a balance between desired features and your budget. While it's tempting to choose the most elaborate cat tower available, focus on the features that align with your cat's preferences and needs. A well-chosen cat tower need not break the bank, but it should provide maximum value in terms of functionality and durability.


In the labyrinth of cat towers available, finding the perfect one for your feline companion requires a nuanced understanding of their needs and preferences. By deciphering the intricacies of their behavior, focusing on key features, considering space constraints, and balancing your budget, you can navigate the cat tower conundrum with confidence. Ultimately, the right cat tower becomes more than just a piece of furniture—it transforms into a haven where your cat can climb, scratch, nap, and reign supreme in their vertical kingdom.