- Free shipping on U.S. orders, ship within 1 business day.
- International shipping prices vary by territory. See shipping choices by carrier in check-out.
- International orders do not include duties or taxes. Fees will be due upon receipt.
45-Days Free-Trial Refund(Return):
To be eligible for a return or refund, the following conditions must be met:
- We accept returns up to 45 days after delivery, if the item in its original condition, and we will refund the full order amount for the return.
- The product or service must be in its original condition and packaging, and all accompanying accessories must be included.
- Proof of purchase, such as an order number or receipt, must be provided.
- Send the item to us and please paste the label on the box. When we receive the product the Full Refund will be arranged with 3-5 business days. If there's any other help, please email us via
1-Year Warranty:
All quality-related defects on items sold directly by Catsvillas or Catsvillas’s authorized resellers are covered by an extensive warranty, starting from the date of purchase.